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Welcome to the Hydrocephalus Support Association

Hydrocephalus Support Association

The Hydrocephalus Support Association (HSA) is a not-for-profit organisation whose core mission is to empower the Australian hydrocephalus community, enabling inclusion, informed experiences and improved health pathways through connection, advocacy, education and promoting research.

The association is run by volunteer members for the benefit of members.

The HSA receives no Government funding and are totally reliant on membership fees and donations to fund their programs.

The HSA undertakes a number of activities to achieve the core mission of the organisation, including:

  • Quarterly meetings and newsletters to bring people with hydrocephalus and their families together.
  • Raising awareness and providing information on research and treatment of hydrocephalus.
  • A national conference held by the HSA every three years.
  • Advocacy for individuals with hydrocephalus to support independent living.
  • Volunteer welfare officers to support members.
  • A members’ only Facebook group to facilitate sharing of information about hydrocephalus and the experiences of those living with the condition.
  • Dedicated fundraising and grant application programs to:
    • enable the HSA to continue to support members and their families;
    • fund research into the causes, treatments and long term outcomes for people living with hydrocephalus.
    • These programs include fundraising events and submitting funding applications to philanthropic, not for profit, private and government organisations.

Our patron is Professor Brian Owler.

The Association was formed in 1997 and incorporated in 2000.

Who can join?

Membership is open to any person with the condition of Hydrocephalus and related conditions. Membership will also include the immediate family of the person joining.

Membership is also open to professionals and other interested persons.

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